Eisenhower High School is committed to providing a safe and orderly learning environment for all students and staff. All Eisenhower High School students are required to conduct themselves in an appropriate and acceptable manner at all times when present in classrooms, hallways, at school-sponsored activities, on school grounds, and on the way to and from school. Responsible and mature citizenship ensures a positive and productive campus environment.

The Board of Education, as well as Eisenhower High School, believes that it is important for students to understand that they have a choice for their actions and that appropriate conduct benefits both them and others. Eisenhower High School has a Discipline Policy that reinforces the underlying belief that students are responsible for their own behavior. This Discipline Policy is based on a system of demerits. Students who are referred to the office for inappropriate behavior may receive demerits as a consequence of their actions. The number of demerits will be determined by the severity of the incident and will progressively increase each time a student is referred for the same violation of school rules. Students will receive a "Notice of Disciplinary Action". A copy of the notice will be given to the student to take home for a parent/guardian to ensure that parents/guardians are aware of their student's behavioral status.


  1. Assignment of demerits
  2. Teacher-assigned Detentions
  3. Parent/Guardian shadowing
  4. SART/SARB (School Attendance Review Team/Board) referrals
  5. Loss of Privileges
  6. Community service
  7. School on Saturday
  8. Suspension
  9. Citation
  10. Recommendation for Expulsion

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