Eisenhower High School Counseling Department

(Updated 07-Feb-2017)

Counseling Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 2:27 p.m. or by appointment only
Telephone: (909) 820-7777

In the Rialto Unified School District, counselors are proactive and student centered. We seek to develop a shared responsibility with parents to promote a stronger partnership between the home and the school. This relationship will assist in implementing a Comprehensive Guidance Program for your child in grades 6 - 12. Counselors will endeavor to structure their daily work activities in order to adhere to and provide services, so as to meet the needs of your student.

Counselors: Alpha Breakdown
Shirley Luque A, B, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
ELD 1 & ELD 2 Financial Aid
Kelly Edwards C, D, E, F, G - Gao
Project Lead the Way/STEM
Eric Jackson Gar, H, I, J, K, L - Lo
NCAA, Basketball, Financial Aid
Bridget Wood Lu, M, N, O, P - Po
AVID, Internships, CAL PASS
Suzanne Kull Pr, Q, R, ST, T
Upward Bound, EAOP, NAPCA, Student of the Month
Shon Hampton PBIS Counselor/At Risk Counselor

Community Service

Students who complete a minimum of 25 hours receive a certificate from the United Way. Students who complete 100 hours of community service may earn a varsity letter for their work. All forms must be turned in to Mrs. Kelly before Spring Break. Any questions--see Mrs. Kelly in Room F-5.

High School Graduation Requirements

English 40 credits 4 years
Math 30 credits 3 years
Social Studies 30 credits 3 years
Science 20 credits 2 years
Physical Education 20 credits 2 years
Vocational Education 10 credits 1 year
Fine Arts or Foreign Language 10 credits 1 year
Health Education   5 credits 1 sem.
Electives 55 credits  
Total credits needed to graduate 220

In order to achieve grade level status a student needs the following credits.

Freshman Status 0 - 49 credits
Sophomore Status 50 - 109 credits
Junior Status 110 - 169 credits
Senior Status 170 & Above

Four Year College "A-G"

a. History 20 credits 2 years
b. English 40 credits 4 years
c. Mathematics (preferably 4 years) 30 credits 3 years
d. Laboratory Science-Biology & Chem/Physics 20 credits 2 years
e. Foreign Language 20 credits 2 year
f. Visual and Performing Arts 10 credits 1 year
g College Preparatory Elective 10 credits 1 year

Total = 150 Credits     College Requirements - Grades of A, B, or C

Four Year Plan

Four Year Plan worksheet: Excel - pdf

Guidance Lessons

Other Information

Counseling Department - frequently asked questions

Apply to College: (universal application accepted by about 1000 schools)

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